07 October, 2011

Goggles and Swimsuits

Hey Belo's

I am glad today went well. Although the weather was threatening us to ditch our plan, I am glad we stick and went through with it.

BOOO to Pak Haj for not wanting to join us when the weather didnt look promising. (Apa kirakan kalau hujan and tak swimming tak boleh lepak lepak ah dengan cousins tapi kalau hujan boleh lepak dengan kawan tengok movie ah? =p)

KUDOS to Maz and Mimin for surviving their first lesson in the pool. Finally you girls can float and do a little bit of swimming. So bila nak teach me how to cycle?

BOOO to John Jono for not coming and not informing. You missed out on all the fun and plus you missed out on free swimming lessons.

Sad to those who couldn't join us in the pool: Our swimming instructor Juriah, had some last min office work, Zilah was also down with fever and Wan who was off to Kuantan. Takpe, next week can join!

But nevertheless, we had a standby swimming instructor; Haini whose voice was sharp, clear and loud("Kick, Float, Kick, Float") and Awal/Rohana who assisted in the frog style swimming. Anyway, I am glad those who went had fun. So continue supporting me on this quest to be healthy. The fun will continue next week with details as follows:

Venue: Pasir Ris Swimming Complex
Time: 6.45pm (Those come late, join us in the pool since everyone knows where it is now)
Dress Code: Bring Goggles and use a swimming costume(just in case some lifeguards mengada-gada and dont allow cotton t-shirts and shorts in)
Misc: Bring $1.50 for entrance fees.

Lesson Content
Swim for a distance - Min and Maz
Frog style swimming - Yana, Suz and A.Din

The rest, I dont know what you all want to learn so if you all want to learn anything go edit and put it yourself. Till then, see you next friday and hope the weather turns out good.





suzana said...

blardy frog style swimming made my leg cramp.. pain gile.. but nvm.. i will heed the advice of my 2 coaches.. mr awal and ms rohana.. relax and don't force=p i shall succeed.. GAMBATE!!! lets all do this together=p

Boss said...

LOL. Nvm, 1st week pain but by the end of one mth will be expert!


suzana said...

no its HWATING!!!

ps: any nice new kpop u know off=p

Boss said...

cewah! Hwaiting ke per! HAH. =)

No, so far no nice new kpop. Dont worry if have will tell you one!

Daddy D said...

suzi go sapu minyak. u can use safiy's yu yee oil.

RiD said...

Sorry peeps. Wasn't in town. Btw. Fri's a bad day for me cuz I've got Trg. My trg's on 1-3-5. Will join if I don't go Trg but this mth will b diff cuz I've got my grading end of e mth.

Boss said...

Rid, never mind. Join us if you don't have any training and done with grading.


Mazlina said...

Besok jadi?

Boss said...

Yes of course!! Meet same place at the interchange(belakang). If lambat, go straight to the pool k.

Mazlina said...

Mayb im nt cmg coz zilah is sick n nobody is at home. Parents gg jakarta esk. Cnfrm again tmrw

Boss said...
